Research Data

Research data – a variety of materials collected as part of scientific research (a.o. numerical data, text documents, notes, questionnaires, survey results, audio and video recordings, photographs, the content of databases, software, results of computer simulations, methodological descriptions laboratory observations), defined, inter alia, in the following ways:

  • registered factual material widely recognized by the scientific community as necessary to evaluate the results of scientific research;
  • data collected, observed or produced as material for analysis to obtain original scientific results,
  • everything that has been produced in the course of ongoing research.

Advantages of sharing data collected as part of the implementation of projects financed from the sources of domestic and foreign agencies:

  • the end of the project does not mean the end of the use of research data
  • standardization of research data and metadata
  • the possibility of verifying the conducted research based on the research data provided
  • increasing the visibility of conducted research and increasing the citation of publications and research data collections
  • the possibility to use existing resources and lowering the costs of research

FAIR Data Principles – relate to the standard for storing and publishing research data. They serve as guidelines to enable their re-use under certain conditions by people and machines:

  • Findable – the data should be easy to find, described with rich metadata and assigned a unique and persistent identifier eg. DOI,
  • Accessible – data should be available to any interested person (specific access conditions, required software, metadata availability),
  • Interoperable – the data should be interoperable and  possible to combine with other data
  • Reusable –the data should be reusable (archived under an appropriate license, taking into account the embargo or grace period).

More information about the FAIR rules can be found on the website -> GO FAIR

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