HR & Gender Equality

The subsection focus on two important aspects of the internal human resources policy and ethical issues with any project objectives likely to impact the project such as methodology (protection of personal data), and the potential impact of the activities (environmental damage, stigmatization of particular social groups, political or financial adverse consequences, misuse, etc.)

The Gender Equality Plan for the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn for the years 2022-2025 is presented below. It was prepared on the basis of Art. 7 (6) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the EU Council of 28 April 2021 and Council Decision (EU) 2021/764 of 10 May 2021 establishing a specific program for the implementation of the “Horizon Europe” framework program for research and innovation and repealing Decision 2013/743 / EU. The Gender Equality Plan was created with the entire community of the Institute in mind to build a sense of belonging, and to counter all forms of discrimination. The aim of the document is to ensure comfort and safety for all employees, which will allow the institute to operate with respect for the equality and diversity of society, free from discrimination, enabling all employees free scientific development and better integration of the gender dimension in scientific projects.

Zarządenie nr 4/03/2022 w sprawie przyjęcia założeń Planu Równości Płci

Gender Equality Plan

Gender Considerations

Gender equality is a core concern of the European Union. Gender balance is promoted in research teams and sex and/or gender analysis is expected to be integrated into research design and content.

The strengthened provisions for gender equality under Horizon Europe address three different levels and include the following:

  1. A new eligibility criterion to get access to Horizon Europe funding: public bodies, research organisations and higher education establishments from the Member States and Associated Countries are required, as of calls with deadlines in 2022, to have in place a gender equality plan (GEP). Details on this requirement are specified in the General Annexes to the Work Programme (B— Eligibility, section ‘Gender equality plans and gender mainstreaming’) and additional guidance is available through this webpage, including a link to Frequently Asked Questions accessible through the Funding & Tenders Portal.
  2. The integration of the gender dimension into research and innovation content across the Programme is an operational objective for Horizon Europe and becomes a requirement by default.
  3. Particular attention is being paid to ensuring gender balance, with a target of 50% women in Horizon Europe-related advisory bodies such as boards and expert groups, as well as in evaluation panels. Gender balance among researchers involved in projects is strongly encouraged as well and will be taken into account as a ranking criterion for ex aequo proposals.
  4. Researchers have the possibility to self-identify in proposals and project reporting according to three gender categories: woman, man, or non-binary.

The integration of the gender dimension into R&I content is mandatory (under Horizon Europe). It is a requirement set by default across all Work Programmes, destinations and topics, unless its non-relevance for a specific topic is specified in the topic description, e.g. by the mention “In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement”.

The best practice in applications is to specify the gender of the people primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed activities. Also, equal opportunities between men and women should be explicitly promoted in order to achieve gender balance at all levels in research teams.

The European Commission has developed an ex-ante evaluation that is also applicable to the project that makes it possible to identify, in a preventative way, the likelihood of a given decision having negative consequences for the state of equality between women and men. The aim of the gender impact assessment is to improve the design and the planning of the policy under consideration, in order to prevent a negative impact on gender equality and to strengthen gender equality through better designed, transformative legislation and policies.

How to carry out a gender impact assessment

The gender impact assessment can be broken down into five consecutive steps:

Step 1: Definition of the policy purpose

Step 2: Checking gender relevance

Step 3: Gender-sensitive analysis

Step 4: Weighing the gender impact

Step 5: Findings and proposals for improvement

Below you will find important strategic documents and tips on how to integrate sex and/or gender analysis into account in the project’s content.

Nature magazine editorial “Accounting for sex and gender makes since better” on the release of the new EC policy report on Gendered Innovations and the new Horizon Europe requirements on the integration of sex and/or gender analysis (09/12/2020)

Tip 1 Why integrating the gender dimension in R&I

The applicants are invited to describe how the gender dimension is taken into account in the project’s R&I content. In this file, you will find the basic information on why a gender dimension is relevant in their specific EU Grants. Each application form should provide a sound justification, which will be taken into account during the evaluation of the proposal, e.g. with appropriate scientific references.

Tip 2 Gender issues when drafting the proposal

Integrating sex and gender analysis into R&I content is believed to improve the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technologies and innovation. The file delivers basic guidelines on gender issues when drafting the proposal.

GENDER-NET IGAR Tool is a website to assist research funding and performing organizations, peers reviewers/evaluators with the know-how to integrate sex and gender considerations into policies, programmes, and projects.

Factsheet on general provisions for gender equality under Horizon Europe

A Union of Equality Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025

Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025

Gender Equality template for a project proposal

Slot Gacor