NCBIR announced the 1st call of the NUTRITECH government program

National Center for Research and Development announced the 1st call of the NUTRITECH government program – nutrition in the light of the challenges of improving the well-being of society and climate change. The Nutritech program addresses R&D and activities involving the preparation of their results for practical application.

The specific objectives of the program are:

  • Implementation of marketable products (pro-health products, nutritional plans, processes, technologies, and accompanying services) reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases (including diet-related diseases).
  • Implementation of the marketable solutions (personalized diet, pro-health products, supporting tools, services) addressed to people suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases.
  • Implementation of the principles of sustainable development through technological solutions in the production and distribution of pro-health food.

The duration of the projects is three years for most NCBR programs. However, in the case of the NUTRITECH program, some projects will include research in medicine, which may require clinical trials or medical experiments extending the duration of the projects up to 4 years.

As a result of the implementation of the NUTRITECH program, Polish research units and enterprises will be enabled to develop, create and use solutions based on the results of scientific research in order to give an impetus to the development of the economy and for the benefit of society in the following thematic areas:

T1. Nutrigenomics and biomedicine as a tool supporting the fight against chronic non-communicable diseases (including diet-dependent diseases).

T2. Food for treatment and prevention of diseases.

T3. Technological and economic aspects of proper nutrition. The total budget of the competition is PLN 100 million.

The deadline for the call is 30.09.2022.

More on the website.

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