JPI HDHL is pleased to pre-announce the launch of the new joint funding activity “New food resources and technologies to improve public health and food security (FOODRETEC)”
The main aim of this call is to build knowledge to prepare for and succeed with a dietary shift towards a healthier and more sustainable diet. It will focus on new food ingredients, new food or technologies and their contribution to healthy, sustainable diets. Important aspects to be addressed in this regard are safety, nutritional quality, digestibility, bioeconomic aspects, and consumer acceptance of new ingredients and food.
Proposals should focus on one or both of the following approaches and methodologies:
• Exploratory research where consumer insight is included (social labs, living labs, etc.)
• Systemic reviews to map and organize current research on the area
• Building more research and knowledge on the food science aspects
Currently, 6 funding agencies from different countries intend to support this call to fund transnational research projects in the field of new food recources and technologies to contribute to healthy and sustainable diets.
The FOODRETEC call will consist of a single-stage submission procedure followed by a rebuttal stage. The deadline for the submission of the proposals is April 21st, 2023.
To know more about this new call, please check the pre-announcement, which also includes information on the participating countries/organisations and conditions for application.