Impact Funding Framework in EIT FOOD

EIT Food ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all intended co-investment to have a real impact. EIT Food is looking for proposals from consortia based around lead organisations who can work effectively, move quickly, and are supported by high-quality research, communications and impact assessment expertise.The funding is focussed on two separate areas – larger-scale collaborative programmes, and innovative single projects. All submission windows close at 12:00 CET (noon) on the published deadline date. megafafa

Collaborative Missions Programme Funding is designed to:

  • Improve the impact of diet on obesity and non-communicable disease
  • Reduce food-system-related environmental harms
  • Deal with the threats posed by food integrity and complex supply chains connecting key stakeholders, from companies and research organisations to social enterprises and regions, your programme should engage beneficiaries, whether people, business or organisations, with clearly defined impact needs.

Next submission deadline is 14 March 2024, 12:00 CET.