Planned Call for Applications in the TEAM NET FENG Action

Foundation for Polish Science announces Call for Applications for TEAM NET FENG Program Funded by the European Funds for a Modern Economy (FENG). Call No. 1/2024 will be open from August 22, 2024, to September 12, 2024. The total budget for the call is 80 million PLN.  The goal of TEAM NET FENG is to stimulate and support collaboration among the best research teams in Poland, enabling them to carry out research and development projects in areas identified as strategic for economic development: health, environment, and Industry 4.0. The expected outcome is the development of an innovative and market-competitive solution and the effective transfer of knowledge or technology.

Who Can Apply for Funding

The TEAM NET FENG call is aimed at scientific teams operating within various research organisations in Poland, which will form a consortium consisting of two or three teams. The lead organization – the Consortium Leader – submits the application. The teams forming the consortium must be led by scientists holding at least a Ph.D. Their involvement in the project must be at least 0.5 FTE (full-time equivalent) for the entire project duration.

Funding Amount

In the TEAM NET call, a single project can receive funds of:

  • Up to 12,600,000 PLN for projects conducted by three research teams
  • Up to 8,400,000 PLN for projects conducted by two research teams

Funding is awarded through a competition for projects lasting up to 3 years. Projects may be implemented in collaboration with enterprises; however, financial support is granted only to research organizations. Funding does not cover basic research.

Application Deadline

Call for applications No. 1/2024 will be open from August 22, 2024, to September 12, 2024, until 16:00 (GMT+1).