Preparations are underway for the second competition in the “Research and Innovation” program focused on applied research, funded under the second edition of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme, also known as the Swiss Funds. Additional conditions will apply to the 2025 call. The goal is to encourage entrepreneurs to strengthen collaboration with Switzerland and increase technology transfer between the two countries.
The first new condition concerns the composition of the project consortium applying for funding. Each consortium must include at least one company from Poland and one from Switzerland. The second new requirement relates to the participation of companies in the total project budget. The eligible costs for each company must account for at least 10% of the total eligible project costs. This will demonstrate the actual involvement of companies in the projects proposed for funding.
The introduction of these new conditions is expected to contribute to increased innovation in projects and raise the level of technological readiness (TRL) of the research conducted. It will also increase the likelihood of commercializing the results of funded projects.
In addition to the new requirements for the 2025 competition, there is a plan to maintain the rules that applied in 2024. Research organizations with legal status in Poland or Switzerland and companies based in either country can apply for funding under the “Scientific Research and Innovation” program of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme. As in 2024, the call for proposals will not be subject to thematic restrictions. The research planned under the project must be applied and focused solely on civil applications. The program budget for the 2025 competition is nearly 66 million PLN.
The announcement of the second competition under the program is planned for the first quarter of 2025, with the opening of the call for funding applications scheduled for the second quarter of 2025.