A new call for proposals on R&D activities in Warmia and Mazury region has been announced

The Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency S.A. in Olsztyn has announced the call for proposals no. FEWM.01.02-IP.02-003/24 for the funding of projects based on actual costs under the regional program European Funds for Warmia and Mazury 2021-2027 in the area of Priority 1: Economy, Action 1.2: R&D&I Activities of Enterprises (Project Type 2: Research and Development Activities of Enterprises and Consortia of Enterprises with Research Organizations).

The total amount allocated for funding projects under Priority 1, Action 1.2 (Project Type 2: R&D Activities of Enterprises and Consortia of Enterprises with Research Organizations) is PLN 37,815,029.69, sourced from the European Regional Development Fund within the European Funds for Warmia and Mazury 2021-2027.

Funding can be obtained for projects with:

  1. A minimum eligible expenditure of PLN 500,000.00.
  2. A maximum eligible expenditure of PLN 10,000,000.00. The maximum level of funding from the European Funds for Warmia and Mazury 2021-2027 is 85% of eligible project expenses (in accordance with state aid and/or de minimis aid regulations).

The scope of R&D activities includes industrial research or experimental development. Basic research is excluded from support. Supported infrastructure must not be used for basic research.

Only projects contributing to the development of the region’s identified smart specializations will receive funding. Projects may include various elements (e.g., infrastructure, R&D activities, purchase of R&D services, intellectual property, staff competence enhancement). However, it is mandatory to select at least one of two core elements: R&D activities of enterprises and/or the purchase of R&D services, with other components closely tied to these.

More information on: https://funduszeeuropejskie.warmia.mazury.pl/nabory/146.